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Fee Resolution

Community Development Department Fees (Resolution 5 Series 2023)
Application Type Fee
Design Review
Minimum fee for applications requiring drawings/engineering $200
Minimum fee for applications that do not require drawings/engineering, including mechanical permits) $100
Any structure or addition of less than five hundred (500) square feet $500
Additions of five hundred (500) square feet or more $700
New Single Family Residence $700
Multi-Family Residential, Accommodation Units, and Commercial Units Base Fee $1,500
Plus the Following charge per unit:  
2 to 5 units $100
6 to 10 units $75
11 or more units $50
Other Applications
Pre-Application Conference before the Planning Commission** $200
Concept Review before the Town Council** $200
Lot Line Vacation or Boundary Line Adjustment $500
Rezoning $1,700
Variance $500
Conditional Use $500
Public Petition to amend Zoning Regulations $500
Condominium Plat $1,500
Replat, Supplemental Plat, Amended Plat, Subdivision Exemption $500
Subdivisions and Planned Unit Developments $3,000
Planned Unit Development Major Alteration $1,500
Planned Unit Development Minor Alteration $200
Planned Unit Development / Subdivision Extensions $350
Annexations $1,000
       Plus the following charge per acre to be annexed $100
Permitting Fees  
Driveway Improvement Fee $100
Work Done without a Building Permit Fee (OR permit fee, whichever is more.) $100
Signs and Advertising Permit Fees
Permanent $50
Portable, Sandwich Board, and Banner $25
Sign Code appeal to the Council $200
Sign Variance or Modification $100
Special meetings of the Planning Commission requested by the applicant $1,250
Special meetings of the Town Council requested by the applicant $1,400
The applicant shall pay the costs incurred by Town to hold such special meeting, including payment of commission or council members, staff and attorney time, and any other costs incurred or necessary.
Fiscal Impact Report - Applicant will be charged all direct costs incurred in producing a Fiscal Impact Report including staff hourly Rate To Be Determined 
*The Community Development Department shall determine if a condominium plat amendment is minor in nature.
**The fee will be deducted from the submittal application fee if the application is substantially similar and submitted in a reasonable time frame.
All fees shall be paid at the time the application is submitted. No application will be considered until the fee is paid.