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Master Plan


The Town of Mt. Crested Butte final Master Plan was adopted by the Mt. Crested Butte Town Council on January 17, 2023.

The Mt. Crested Butte master plan is an advisory document that guides decision-making for a community to achieve its vision and goals. The plan will help guide town staff, elected officials, and the overall community on important future decisions for Mt. Crested Butte through the use of action-oriented policies, programs, and projects.

This action-oriented plan provides strategies in the form of goals, policies, and action items that help the Town achieve its vision related to future land use, recreation, placemaking and vibrancy, transportation, housing, and public services for the next 10-15 years. The Plan integrates with the Town’s strategic vision and goals in order to create a comprehensive framework that guides future land use decisions and helps prioritize investment and projects within the community.

These plan elements are built on a foundation of our town’s key values and priorities and will be more comprehensive and inclusive of base area revitalization and how to sustainably direct future development of the town. Additionally, it holistically considers how growth and development influence community housing, town character, transportation and transit, parks and open space, and economic impacts.

The master plan will complement the Strategic Plan adopted by town council in April 2021, which has the following guiding principles:

  1. Leads collaboration across the valley
  2. Promotes environmental stewardship
  3. Plans for responsible and intentional growth
  4. Balances full-time resident, part-time resident, and tourist needs
  5. Supports recreational and cultural opportunities accessible for all
  6. Maintains a fiscally responsible government