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Town Council

Town Council consists of seven elected officials and serves to enact local legislation, adopt budgets, determine policies and appoint a town manager. Council members are elected to serve four-year terms. The Mayor is a council member that is elected by a majority vote of council and serves a two-year term.

Recently, Town Council has developed a strategic plan. Its main initiative is that Mt. Crested Butte will be a collaborative leader that preserves the region’s natural beauty, delivers exceptional municipal services, enhances quality of life, champions sustainable tourism, and fosters an atmosphere where residents and businesses can thrive

Town Council Calendar - Three or more councilors in attendance.

Town Council Agendas, Minutes & Packets

Council Meetings
Public town council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month starting at 6 pm.

Most Recent Ordinances
- Ordinance 9 Series 2024

Town Council Recordings
Below are links to the most recent Town Council meetings. For all previous town council agendas, minutes, and packets, click here. If you are unable to locate what you are looking for by navigating the calendar tool, please contact Tiffany O'Connell at 970-349-6632, ext. 103 or toconnell@mtcb.colorado.gov. Colorado Retention Records requires the Town to hold onto meeting recordings for six months. 

Council Contacts

Town Council Members 2024-2028
Mayor, Nicholas Kempin Mayor Term Expires November 2026
Councilor Term Expires November 2028
Steve Morris Mayor Pro Tem Expires November 2026
Council Term expires November 2026
Alec LindemanTerm expires November 2026Email
Roman Kolodziej Term expires November 2026Email
Valeda ScribnerTerm expires November 2028Email
Bruce Nation Term expires November 2028Email
Bobbie SferraTerm expires November 2028Email











Town Councilors

Town Council Members 2024-2028

Mt. Crested Butte Town Council Members

Picture from left to right: Bruce Nation, Bobbie Sferra, Valeda Scribner, Mayor Nicholas Kempin, Roman Kolodziej, Alec Lindeman, and Mayor Pro Tem Steve Morris.