Waste Management of Colorado facilitates trash and recycling collection for the Town of Mt. Crested Butte. They collect trash and recycling on Wednesday mornings. The fees are $94 per quarter.
Pickup will be delayed by one day if any of the following holidays fall between Sunday and Wednesday:
- New Year's
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
Please place your recyclables out by 7:30 a.m. on Wednesdays. Since recyclable materials must be kept dry, please do not set them out the night before if snow or rain is likely, and please do not place them in the path of a snowplow. Please note that recycled items will not be picked up if contaminated with garbage.
Residential waste containers shall be placed curbside no earlier than 5:30 a.m. on the day of pick up. After pick up, any non-wildlife-resistant container must be secured inside the building, house, garage, or approved wildlife-resistant dumpster enclosure by 6:00 p.m. of the day of pick up.
- Rules & Regulations
Trash Collection is a mandatory fee under Town Code section 9-3. Every owner or occupant of premises within the town shall provide for the collection and disposal of ashes, garbage, and trash subject to the regulation of this chapter; provided, however, that the owners or occupants of residence structures, as defined in this chapter shall be required to pay the town for the collection and disposal of ashes, garbage and trash upon the schedule and in such amounts as are prescribed by the town manager. In the event of new residential structures being constructed within the town, such scheduled and prescribed amounts shall commence no later than one (1) year from the date of the building permit for such residence structure.
In most cases, issuance of a TCO (Temporary Certificate of Occupancy) or CO (Certificate of Occupancy) will activate a residential trash account. Once an account is activated you may contact the Town Hall to have Waste Management deliver a 96-gallon non-bearproof trash can and one 96-gallon recycle bin.- How do I obtain trash receptacles and recycling bins?
Waste Management will provide and pick up one 96 gallon non-wildlife resistant trash receptacle per household. Please note, a wildlife-resistant trash container is not included with your contract and must be obtained independently by the homeowner.
Waste Management will provide 96 gallon recycling receptacle per household. These containers are single stream containers. All materials must fix within the receptacle. Please do not bag your recyclables.
Please place your recyclables out by 7:30 a.m. on Wednesdays. Since recyclable materials must be kept dry, please do not set them out the night before if snow or rain is likely, and please do not place them in the path of a snowplow. Please note that recycled items will not be picked up if contaminated with garbage.
To obtain your free recycle bin or a non-wildlife resistant trash bin, please contact the Finance Department at finance@mtcb.colorado.gov.- Wildlife-Resistant Waste Container Information
In 2007 Town Council amended Chapter 15 of the Town Code by passing Ordinance No. 6, Series 2007 which addresses requirements and allows for violation penalties pertaining to wildlife-resistant trash containers, feeding of wildlife, and bird feeders. Please refer to the Town Code to review the complete ordinance.
The following are important highlights of the ordinance related to trash containers:- All waste containers, which receive edible waste shall be wildlife resistant. The container must be fully enclosed and the lid or door must have a latching mechanism that prevents access by wildlife.
- If the container is not wildlife resistant, it must be stored within a building, house, garage, or approved wildlife resistant dumpster.
- Residential waste containers shall be placed curbside no earlier than 5:30 a.m. on the day of pick up. After pick up, any non-wildlife resistant container must be secured inside the building, house, garage, or approved wildlife resistant dumpster enclosure by 6 p.m. of the day of pick up.
- What can I recycle?
- Aluminum: No foil
- Tin: No sheet metal
- Glass: All colors accepted, please remove lids
- Plastic #1-7 with the following exceptions:
- No frozen entree microwave trays
- No party platters
- No plastic wrap
- No plastic bags
- No pesticide containers
- No chemical containers (automotive)
- No styrofoam containers and anything marked compostable.
- Newspaper/Magazines: Glossy junk mail, inserts, catalogs, spiral notebooks, and phone books are accepted
- Office Paper:
- No neon paper
- No paper towels
- No craft paper
- No window envelopes unless the plastic windows have been removed
- No tissues
- Cardboard: Corrugated cardboard only
- No frozen food containers, beer boxes, or pizza boxes
- Can I recycle myself?
Yes! If you want to drop it off yourself, you can go to the Gunnison County Recycling Center located at 195 Basin Park Dr. in Gunnison. Thanks for participating in our recycling program!
- Billing
Waste Management fees for all Mt. Crested Butte residents are $94 per quarter.
Your trash account billing can be managed online through our new payment portal. It offers several payment type options including Autopay, Credit Card, and ACH payments.To set up your account:
- Go to: www.invoicecloud.com/mtcrestedbutteco
- Select “Utility” Cloud Store
- Enter your account number and Name on Account:
- Do not include the period in your account number as the system doesn’t recognize special characters. IE: if your account number is 123.45, you will enter 12345.
- The Last Name/Business name field refers to the name listed on the deed for the property. - Select your invoice using the “Select” box on the far left of the line item.
- Click the orange link “Register Selected Invoices”
- The registration page will require you to enter your email address and create a password that will then be used for your own personal log-in to your trash account. Upon completion, you will be at your homepage where you can make a one-time payment to your account, or set up autopay and paperless billing.
Checks can be mailed to:
Town of Mt. Crested Butte
PO POX 5800
Mt. Crested Butte, CO 81225If you have any questions regarding your trash billing, please contact the Finance Department at finance@mtcb.colorado.gov or 970-349-6632, ext. 4.