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Wildlife-Resistant Containers

In 2007 Town Council amended Chapter 15 of the Town Code by passing Ordinance No. 6, Series 2007 which addresses requirements and allows for violation penalties pertaining to wildlife-resistant trash containers, feeding of wildlife, and bird feeders. Please refer to the Town Code to review the complete ordinance.

The following are important highlights of the ordinance related to trash containers:

  • All waste containers, which receive edible waste shall be wildlife resistant. The container must be fully enclosed and the lid or door must have a latching mechanism that prevents access by wildlife.
  • If the container is not wildlife resistant, it must be stored within a building, house, garage, or approved wildlife resistant dumpster.
  • Residential waste containers shall be placed curbside no earlier than 5:30 a.m. on the day of pick up. After pick up, any non-wildlife resis­tant container must be secured inside the building, house, garage, or approved wild­life resistant dumpster enclosure by 6:00 p.m. of the day of pick up.