As part of adopting the 2021 I-Codes, the Town of Mt. Crested Butte has incorporated the Gunnison County Contractor licensing requirements. Here are the rules and regulations around this requirement:
For Work on Condos & Similar (International Building Code - IBC)
- All building permit applications for new construction shall include proof of a current Gunnison County Building Contractor license. The license shall be the type (Class A, Class B, or Class C) associated with the scope of work for the building permit application.
- All building permit applications for additions and level 2 and level 3 alterations governed by the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) and International Building Code (IBC) shall include proof of a current Gunnison County Building Contractor license. The license shall be the type (Class A, Class B, or Class C) associated with the scope of work for the building permit application. The building official shall have the discretion to waive this requirement.Exception: Property owners of an individual R1, R2, or R3 unit acting as their own contractor who provides proof of passing the contractor test associated with the Gunnison County contractor license.
For Work on Single-Family, Two-Family, and Townhomes (International Residential Code - IRC)
- All building permit applications for new construction shall include proof of a current Gunnison County Building Contractor license. The license shall be the type (Class A, Class B, or Class C) associated with the scope of work for the building permit application.
- All building permit applications for additions and Reconstructions per Appendix AJ of the International Residential Code (IRC) shall include proof of a current Gunnison County Building Contractor license. The license shall be the type (Class A, Class B or Class C) associated with the scope of work for the building permit application. The building official shall have the discretion to waive this requirement.Exemption: Property owners acting as their own contractors who provide proof of passing the contractor test associated with the Gunnison County contractor license.
For more details, please visit the Gunnison County website. If you’re unsure whether you’ll need a license for upcoming jobs, please contact Community Development Coordinators Todd Carroll or Leah Desposato.