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E-Bike Rebate Program

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The Mt. Crested Butte E-bike Rebate Program is a sustainability initiative that aims to promote the use of e-bikes as a means of transportation. The program offers a rebate to Mt. Crested Butte residents who purchase an e-bike with the goal of reducing traffic congestion and promoting environmentally friendly transportation options. By incentivizing e-bike use, the program seeks to contribute to the environmental benefits of reducing carbon emissions and promoting a more sustainable community.

Rebate Amount:
$500 per e-bike. One rebate per person.

  • If the e-bike is purchased from a Gunnison County retailer applicant will earn an additional $50 rebate for a total of $550.

  • If the e-bike is purchased from a Mt. Crested Butte retailer you will earn another $50 rebate for a total of $600.

  • Rebate cannot exceed the cost of the e-bike.

Receipt of the e-bike purchased after June 5, 2023 date.  Must request the rebate within 90 days of the date of purchase.

Mt. Crested Butte Residence Requirements:
This rebate program is for Mt. Crested Butte Residents. You must provide one of the following:

  • Colorado Driver’s License with a Mt. Crested Butte address.

  • Mt. Crested Butte voter registration.

  • Current lease for a Mt. Crested Butte residence.

  • Own real residential property in Mt. Crested Butte.

If the person applying is under 18 and cannot provide one of the above the person must apply in person with their parent or guardian who can provide one of the above.

Town of Mt. Crested Butte Employees are eligible for this rebate.

Qualifying E-Bikes:
New e-bike, Class 1, 2 or 3

Additional Information:
This rebate can be combined with the GCEA e-bike rebate program as well, providing a total rebate of 25% of the cost or up to $150. More information about how to apply for this rebate can be found on the GCEA website under "rebates/power equipment(opens in new window)(opens in new window)(opens in new window)(opens in new window)".


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