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Revised Draft Mt. CB Master Plan

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The Town of Mt. Crested Butte has published the revised Draft of the Mt. Crested Butte Master Plan.

The Town welcomes public review and comment by Friday, December 9. 



The Draft Master Plan outlines a path to increase affordable housing, improve the existing multimodal transportation networks, increase the vibrancy and vitality of the base area, expand access to essential services, and how we can guide responsible growth to meet the needs of our community. We want your comments on this plan to ensure that we are on track with how to move forward, together. 

Substantive changes to the plan include revisions to the draft Future Land Use Map. The map has been aligned with public comments and direction received at the October 17 work session with Town Council, Planning Commission, and the Downtown Development Authority.

Upcoming Meetings
The revised draft will be shared with Town Council on Tuesday, December 20. You can join us in person at 911 Gothic Road, or online via zoom (link in the agenda packet). The meeting agenda will be posted on Friday, December 16, 2022. 

If you have any questions regarding the plan, please reach out to Carlos Velado, Assistant Town Manager and Community Development Director at cvelado@mtcb.colorado.gov or 970.349.6632 ext.117.  
Thank you for being a part of shaping the future of your community!