A safety closure is in place for a bridge on US Highway 50 located west of Gunnison. Visit the Highway 50 Bridge Closure website for more information.


Wayfinding Program

The town of Mt. Crested Butte is working with the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) on a signage and wayfinding program. The DDA was formed with the vision of providing guidance for future development within the town, specifically within the area designated as the commercial core of Mt. Crested Butte. The DDA consists of local business owners and/or resident members appointed by Town Council.

The town of Mt. Crested Butte plans to develop a wayfinding system with complementary and consistent primary, secondary, and tertiary wayfinding to support pedestrians, bicycles, buses, and vehicular traffic. The design will be developed with the intent to enhance the sense of place in a mountain community with adaptable and updatable designs to account for changing locations and destinations around the town. It is the intent that implementation of these signs will occur over time as funding is available from different sources or grants.



The Town of Mt. Crested Butte will be installing large Auto Directional signs along Gothic Road this week and next (12/12-12/22) as part of Phase 1 of 4 for the Wayfinding/Master Plan.  

The auto-directional signage helps assist with motorized traffic along the Gothic Rd. corridor and navigation to the base area, and the north and south end of the valley. There are a total of 12 auto-directional signs that will be installed over the course of two weeks. After January 1, additional (and slightly smaller) auto-directional signage will be installed throughout the Grand Parking/Skier Drop-Off area, along Snowmass and Treasury Rd.  

These signs went through many different design phases and we thank the efforts of the Town Council, the DDA, and community members who helped in creating the final design. Meant to look like skis with an aspen leaf punch, these signs stand 18 feet tall and have a unique core element that is blue in color. The verbiage on the sign blades is reflective—designed for safety and better navigation at night and during inclement weather. Once final electrical hookups are made, these signs will omit a soft glow creating an artistic element to the signage. We hope to have full electrification of the signs by the spring of 2024.

Questions or concerns? Reach out to Marketing Communications Officer, Marisa Maudsley at mmaudsley@mtcb.colorado.gov.  


sketch of auto directional wayfinding signage - phase 1